This bpost is not insightful. It merely defines a homegrown jargon term. In this blog, xjlCrunch (现金流 Crunch) is any period of heightened cashflow pressure. Pressure is just “higher than normal” or “higher than previous period”. There’s no precise definition actually, but in my experience such pressure was always sustained, tangible/verifiable, clearly explainable, easy to relate to.
( Note the common usage of CashCrunch is slightly different. Some dictionary says CashCrunch is “when someone does not have enough money to operate successfully or in the normal way.” )
— eg: 2007 initial U.S. years .. my various bposts described the (almost extreme) austerity measures we had to take.
— eg: 2013-2016 UChicago phase… 2k/M average outlay. Pressure clearly felt.
eg: Mindchamps years.. $1k/M average outlay.
eg (future): when my kids go to college
— eg: 2013-2014 mortgage years .. 2.5k/M was a memorable “xjl pressure”. I tightened our belt in order to pay down the loan balance several times, 5k each time.
— eg (future): initial retirement phase .. some retirees may realize their cashflow is tighter than anticipated and needs /adjustment/.