Beside the standard income tax, “Taxes” should include these unavoidable, and largely predictable outlays:
- mtg installment… rent is a variable cost
- compulsory school fees, excluding enrichment programs
- medical insurance premium
- telco charges
- power + water + cooking gas
- government taxes including pTax…
- commute fares
- car insurance … gas, parking, repair are variable costs
- —– the other high-cost items are arguable avoidable —–
- flights to see family members (at least once a year — predictable) but not unavoidable.
- life insurance, critical illness insurance
These could add up to $3k – $5k a month. So my current after-tax income is more like $8k. Remember them when we say “this tuition only costs $150 a month”
Q: in my “staying alone” years, monthly total “tax” (excluding withholding) is …?
A: in US, it’s around $1k including rent and flights
A: in Singapore, it was probably below S$1k including rent and flights. I used to rent 2 places.
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