bofa #

sending money to citi … Fees? no more as of Jan 2024 🙂 At the same time I also retested “pulling from Citi”. This was tested years ago and is still FOC.

— 3FA log-in — ATM 6-digit PIN + emailOTP

— authentication data to call bofa hotline

  • need old passport number — E3980003K
  • need phone number — +65 90013516
  • need debit card number and cvv

— yet-unpaid statement balance:

The two numbers shown are not what I want:

  1. paper statement balance: eg $917
  2. current outstanding balance: eg $1117

Scenario: After the statement was generated with $917 balance, I immediately paid $300 to bring down the yet-unpaid to $617. Then my card was charged various amounts to hit the $1117 current balance. I want to see the $617 yet-unpaid but this figure has to be calculated manually:(

Unfortunately, the “minimum payment due” is not useful:(

==== bofa ccard balance payment from bofa acct
— method 1: transfer
The web form lets me choose FROM my checking account TO my ccard

Most past and future payments show up under TransferActivity, but some actually show up in the checking accunt history !

— method 2: “billpay”
On the page I also set up other payees like BCBS health insurance and Nuvsions (ISP), so my bofa ccard is just another payee.
On the right, there are recent and scheduled payments.