哪里找好价钱, 这种信息, 对收入有限的新移民特别重要. 谢谢你给我这个信息.
现阶段, 没精力搜集. 所以, 我说的 2-3 倍价格差, 免不了
When you come to a new world, there is a transition process before you get familiar with the life here and become comfortable. You can try not to compare the life you have now with your life in SG, until you get more familiar with the new world.A couple of examples:
* my wife bought a PC for $1800 when she came to US in 1998, and then we bought a laptop in 2005 for under $400 (P4, 15 inch TFT, 512MB, 60GB)
* my wife went back to China a few times in the last couple of years, the 1st trip she bought a lot of clothes because we thought clothes are cheaper in China, but now she stopped doing that because she found clothes in US is as cheap as in China.