— To curb unauthorized access
dCard limits:
* ATM limit = $1k/day. $1 is the lowest value allowed.
* spending limit = $2k/day
xfer limits:
* FAST/PayNow limit …. now set to $20k
— ccy sub account usage .. iFF a JPY transaction will hit JPY sub account if possible. Otherwise, it hits SGD account, using the same published FX rate be it purchase or ATM. This FX is horrible .. 114.0/116.6 -> 2.26% spread
No real advantage of pre-funding the JPY sub account.
physical cash deposit .. See Manage USD notes carried into SGP #Hsbc.75%
USD COrder2self .. first check of each day is free. I was given incorrect info (no email) but I don’t feel bitter. I feel lucky about the “new” policy.
wire transfer is charged $40 by HSBC Singapore, excluding any charges by other parties.
( No checkbook for EGA. A checking USD account has FBF USD 10/Month.)
— Strange cutoff times for incoming funds to hit current EOD balance (ADB). Each transaction has a physical timestamp and an effective date (posting date). ADB uses effective date. Tip: Deposit before 10pm,. Withdraw after 10pm (or 2pm for Sat). Note “10pm” is approximate and a symbolic identifier.
- For Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, ADB includes transactions [ previous 10pm ~ today 10pm ]
- For Sat, ADB includes transactions [ Fri 10pm ~ Sat 6pm ]
- For Mon, ADB includes transactions [ previous Sat 5p ~ Mon 10pm ]
https://www.hsbc.com.sg/ways-to-bank/transfers/fast/faq/ specified 10pm and 5pm.