transfers accounts #logistics

#1 Challenge — the transfers take too many days, sometimes 3 biz days.  Both sides may show the balance change at different timing. I lose track.

Alternative — physical cash, but there is no record of the specific source and destination

Sugg: At a time of frequent fund movements, just avoid credit card !

Sugg: For safety, keep some minimum amounts in each account, esp.

  • BofA for credit cards
  • citi for rent check

Sugg: always withdraw and deposit odd amounts like $480 or $780 to help track movements

Sugg: On special occasions, branch withdrawal and deposits in large odd amounts like 10,020 to minimize number of movements, and to overcome the lag. Luckily, there are nearby branches of citi, bofa, santander

Sugg: minimize frequency of online transfer.  Use large, odd amounts.

sugg: initiate transfers from a single place — citi