In this bpost, “Trusting” means trusting an investment salesperson, and trusting a commercial company.
— My FLI2 experience
Trusting in Singlife in their “projected” payout rate.
Trusting in CIMB as the marketing agency. Contrast it to DBS as marketing agency for Manulife.
Trusting in Linna and her colleague.
— my RBBT experience .. I did my due diligence on the LIR calc
Trust in the bank system for calc algorithm.. is no longer a big concern, but bigger than in the EGA case.
Initially, the promised super-low LIR was too good to be trust-worthy.
— Oanda vs Saxo
Oanda was more fair to customers. I feel Saxo’s FXO practice was really mean to customers.
— my HY/PE experience ..
With E12, I did my due diligence and decided to trust Chip Taylor.
With Jill, I invested multiple times. I still assume Jill might be trust-worthy but she (and her managers) had poor judgement on the companies that received the money.
Overall, I don’t feel very sure about the trust-worthiness (of those people), even though each company is different.
— My SEAsia rEstate decisions .. I visit the sites. I trust a salesperson after a long interaction. I transfer fund only to an account given by the same salesperson.
In each case, there is some big reputable company in the “equation”. That company lends credibility.
— my Rbh experience
Zero commission sounded too good to be trust-worthy, so I started small.
Similarly Vanguard has very low-cost mufus and they have earned my trust.
— my EGA experience .. I did my due diligence on the interest calc
The EGA-IR was too good to be trust-worthy.
Trust in the HSBC calc algorithm .. is not a big concern.