See also
- Trading(+FSM): reasons4low ROTI. I don’t think independent research will be fruitful, so i will just go with recommendations.
- nasdaq 100 ranking
- [1] has detailed analysis on some 24 stocks
In the 1-share phase, I prefer 1) known-to-me 3) penny stocks, featuring 2) high yield like T, XOM/BP, GM, IRM,
- category B: Blue-chip companies tend to be more transparent, less likely to collapse. Given the tcost, I prefer blue-chip stock like T:us as I’m more likely to buy big amount of T:US than IRM. I can have a dedicate blog page for T, not a REIT stock
- No time to read current news in-depth, given I only buy one share each.
- category P: penny stocks involve smaller dollar amount and require less due diligence tcost and less distraction after buying
Note this old criteria disqualify most tech stocks, China stocks, finance stocks,,,
After I feel confident receiving 5% current income without serious loss to principal, I would plan to invest more.
- MO — 6% / $51
- SKT — REIT 7% / $22 considered safe by [1] but most analysts are saying SELL-now
- BRG — REIT 6% / $11
- APLE — REIT 7% / $17 hotels
- Verizon — Mithun recommends
- –bought:
- UNIT — distressed 10+% / $9
- ORC — REIT: 13% / $7
- LYG — blue-chip 4%/$3
- AGNC — REIT: 12%/ $18, recommended 3 times
- EPD — energy 7% / $28 considered very safe by [1]. 96% rating
- PSEC — 11%/$7 but with history of dividend cuts
- VER — REIT 7% / $8
- MAIN — 6%/ $39 considered safe by [1]
- PPL — Utilities 6% / $32 considered very safe by [1]
- BIP — Utilities 5% / $41 considered safe by [1]. Recommended multiple times
- BEP — Utilities 5% / $30 considered safe by [1] says
As of mid 2018, the average dividend yield in the S&P 500 is under 2%. As a result, investment income is hard to find today for investors who desire current income, such as retirees. In order to find higher dividend yields in today’s market, it seems that investors have to take outsized risks on stocks with sky-high yields, but also questionable fundamentals. At times, a high dividend yield is a red flag, and a signal that the fundamentals are deteriorating. A stock with a very high dividend yield but eroding financials could result in a dividend cut.
High yield + sound fundamentals (such as AT&T) sounds like a “bargain” — higher current income (not higher appreciation potential), lower risk than average. It’s crucial to keep in mind our priority in the retirement mode — current income is more important to me than appreciation.