shop unit: water point to combat online shopping

— shops are robust, thriving assets in congested cities. Shop units are still precious in many congested cities. Online retail requires delivery through traffic.

— many affluent or older buyers prefer seeing the real thing.

— Different countries have very different competitive landscapes. Singapore cinemas are doing fine but U.S. cinemas are closing.

— When television became widespread, print media were doomed, but look at now.

–Stella said for luxury goods, physical shops offer an experience

I think it’s similar to the cinema experience.

–email to Susan Lee 28 Jan

I now realize waterpoint provides some protection against the growing destructive competition from online shopping.

When you and Stella first pointed out the significance of water point I wasn’t convinced. Now I realize most retail business models are under increasing threat from online shopping. Units with water points can often become a retail business that’s less threatened, such as F&B, clinic, hair saloon, or food business….

Luckily, my two BridgeRetail units both have water points.