4th khm unit #OPM

— rare attractions of Cambodia shops

  1. 10Y rental guarantee, hassle-free, but credit risk
    • reducing (not eliminating) non-deterministic “GC” distraction when I’m under stress at work at at home
  2. shops or Grade-A office — precious but location may not take off. Many China buildings are competitors.
  3. quantum is much smaller than even a residential unit
  4. currency — rare in affordable countries
  5. reputable mgmt agency

–in early 2019, I told Susan Lee my 3 main concerns about a 4th unit — OPM reserve depletion; infatuation + concentration risk; leftover units

  • πŸ™ liquidity — This investment is not same as NY savings products that you can exit at any time.
  • πŸ™ left-over units, same price but lower value than other units
  • πŸ™ 5.5% is much lower than 7% in BridgeRetail, but need to consider U.S. haircut
  • πŸ™ too high concentration? Total USD 350k, still lower than a single unit in Bayonne or SG
  • πŸ™ infatuation — Am currently swept off my feet by 10Y guarantee + CapitalLand + Shangri-La brands. Remember my overzealous investments into Unifund and commodities (1997) and high-yield bond (2013). It’s better to cool down for a few weeks, discuss with Jack or another fellow investor in depth and explore both the positive an negative.
  • In contrast, I feel the 3rd shop unit (first PeakRetail) was a fairly aggressive decision, given the cash position I have, using wife’s 70k and grandpa’s 26k.

— funding strain –> Need to rebuild OPM reserve NOT another shop

  • + I have 25k + 10k + 10k across U.S. banks. Negligible loss if withdrawn now
  • + I can cash out the 2.5k from Chip
  • + I can cash out the 6 GS shares
  • + I have USD 9900 from grandpa but I have already borrowed 16k from grandpa — a sign of infatuation and overzealous investor.
  • – I already borrowed and invested 70k from wife and 16k from grandpa — a sign of infatuation
  • – I already exhausted the warehouse fund from Jay Hu — sign of infatuation
  • – BGC ? may need to borrow from wife — a sign of infatuation
  • – tight schedule — half the payment is due by 30 Jun 2019, the other half at TOP possibly end of 2019.
  • Conclusion — Without OtherPeople’sMoney (like grandpa’s and wife’s), I really can’t afford such a shop unit.