[19] obsessed with nonwork income blogg@@ #地主

Current /stance/ — I want to continue to improve my ffree /profile/ by increasing my nonwork income, further! Invest in dividend stocks .. proven

Wife pointed it out .. (hopefully false alarm)… Do I spend too much time blogging on this? Wall St contractor proves to be very suitable role for me but also has swayed me to my current direction — nonwork income, semi-retired..

Q: Do I want to be landlord like Guang or app owner like CSDoctor (few role model now) etc?
A: landlord path is easier and more achievable. Accumulation. Active mgmt also provides gainful employment for wife

If in retrospect I conclude this is an obsession, it is a “better species of obsession” among other obsessions:

  • πŸ™‚ diet, weight, fitness
  • πŸ™‚ healthy cooking — a reward
  • πŸ™ peer comparison