[19]HIS19: predicted saving=5~7k

See also 20% savings rate^lifestyle creep

In 2022, it became tricky to track “monthly surplus saving”. Tricky due to SRS, reno.

Q: prediction: my visible burn rate including Mindchamps excluding tax, air-tickets and transfers (to wife and grandma), or outlays from wife’s account?
A (as of 2019): 3k – 5k

Q: if including everything?
A: (as of 2019) probably 6k-9k

Q: saving rate target after allowance payout?
A: 6-9k but Be kind to yourself and don’t show off to wife or friends.
A: with mortgage + IRAS outlays, let’s target $6k saved from take-home salary.

Both targets are useful and valuable. but we need different attitudes towards each target.

I’m generally competent at saving but stress can still build up