yield^inflation(burn rate)during your semi-retirement

BusinessTimes 16 Jan 2017 has a detailed analysis about retiring on 3-4% investment yield. (My savings rate is probably 60-70%) This analysis has a basic assumption — investment yield CAN keep up with inflation…. Really?

In the Singapore context I blogged about the 20Y inflation as I experienced. Relatively low.

As to investment yield in the form of dividends or fixed deposit interests… not so sure. In conclusion, I would say — inflation did erode but investment yield didn’t keep up 🙁

Therefore, I like rental property better. Rental income rises against inflation, with good reliability. (In fact, the capital appreciation also rises with inflation, but that’s topic for another day.)

Key thing in this plan — reliable passive income. I’m betting on 5-7%. I think mostly I need to rely on rental properties.