MIH payment record

  • + 94.9k Citi.sg as of Aug
  • + $1170 FSM cash account as of Jul, from currency conversion. Can grow as a buffer
  • + 16.9k in mayb.khm as of early Aug
  • + 3k more rental income by Aug
  • ^^^ 116k so far
  • + 2.3k citi.ny as of Jul, but need to keep $1500 balance.
  • + 1.7k bofa as of Jul, but need to keep $1500 balance.
  • + some cash in Rbh
  • + $280 sell USD FSM eqMufu. Luckily in-the-black/above-water

Official transaction price = $169k. Downpayment = 40% = $101400
Strata title fees = $3068

— procedure:

  1. [done] confirm total amount
  2. first send 10k from Maybank.KHM
  3. once confirmed, send the balance from Citibank.SG to Maybank.KHM then send from there.

— payment records

  1. 47k @2020Feb14 Citibank.SG.
    • I sent payment record to Susan/Stella
    • MIH sent me receipt on 18 Feb
  2. 20.6k @2020Feb19 Maybank.KHM.
    • I sent payment record to MIH directly.
    • 40% full receipt received on 19 Feb
  3. 10k @2020Aug04 Maybank.KHM
  4. 50k @2020Aug05 Maybank.KHM
  5. 44468@2020Aug06 Maybank.KHM

MIH also sent paper receipts in Aug 2020 and Jul 2021