HDB fire insurance #FWD^BGC

Cooking can burn down the house. Fire insurance has some intrinsic complexities, perhaps less in Singapore than elsewhere. Learning takes time and absorbency.. including Dram refresh.

FWD Basic fire insurance is extremely cost effective but covers only building damage.

During a claim, FWD assessor would determine the amount of building damage ($BD) + fixture damage ($FD).

  • If $BD < 82k, then basic fire insurance would pay $BD only.
  • If $BD > 82k, then the remaining amount can be covered by the additional insurance, which also covers (part of) $FD.

Basic fire insurance is 5Y. 9-1169 covered till Jul 2028. FWD hotline can check the coverage period. (6820 8888 Monday to Friday 9am – 10pm; Sat 9 – 1pm)

Q: can you buy a simple protection, and then top up with a second protection?
AA: no. One property cannot have two protections from FWD.

— past purchases.. early 2020 I bought the lowest “additional insurance” to cover fixtures, at $42/Y. FWD Home Insurance Policy PNHM2020-00003237. I renewed by phone in 2021, expired in early 2022.

On 22 Dec 2023, I bought 3Y protection PNHM2023-00037909 for $119/3Y.

Minimum coverage is $95/3Y [$20k home content + $0 renovation protection]. My purchase includes $40k renovation.

I feel 3Y is much cheaper than 1Y.

— payment by … ccard usually pays $0 cashback for insurance premiums. I tried SCB card
I chose SCB card for 1) convenient online payment 2) email record from SCB

— basic 5Y insurance is heavily subsidized : SGD 5.94/5Y
Government appoints one insurer only, for the 5Y insurance. Can be purchased online.

I think government gives 90% subsidy. They make HDB home owners pay a small fraction as a reminder to take fire insurance seriously.

One thought on “HDB fire insurance #FWD^BGC

  1. tiger40490 says:

    FWD “home insurance” has some emergency service — (up to) $100 reimbursement (up to) 4/Y

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