Owning multiple houses is an advantage but be very careful when comparing with those peers. We might be able to own multiple homes somewhere down the road but in the first 10 years, it will be painful and self-hating if we fall into the habit of comparing with our so-called “peers” who own multiple, big homes.
- Some of the techies are more successful and earn much higher than me
- Many of them have both parents earning
- Some of them have been earning high salaries for 20 years. (I started only in 2010 Citigroup)
- Some of them are stock market mavericks
- Some of them can create the spare time for renovation. I think Anthony and Hou Li’s husband could.
- Some of the mothers could multi-task better rather than spending all the time on the kids.
- Some of the kids don’t need so much parenting time
My tentative conclusion — my family don’t have their income or the spare time. So we will settle for one, small home, and make it loving and beautiful.
I feel such a comparison is deeply emotional and personal at times, esp. when it’s semi-conscious, so we want to be /mindful/aware/ when our mind goes into those sensitive territory, often automatically and semi-consciously.
It’s very important to feel satisfied with what we have — loving family, wonderful kids, better career prospect than in Singapore…