[22]diversify4crash-proof: fake@@

Paramount priority of diversification is — crash proof. See also post on crash.

  • USD
  • CNY
  • gold can be safer than USD
  • energy stocks
  • alternative energy stocks
  • minerals
  • consumer
  • financials
  • healthcare
  • REIT
  • bonds – Asian
  • bonds – gov SG, US. Would appreciate in a flight to quality

— 2022 diversification xp .. my eq portfolio (along with SP500) experienced a major decline, raising the question of diversification. Watching some OCBC TV ad, I wondered how useful diversification actually is in pff.

  • How about bccy? (I own none) Most of them declined more than stocks… Ineffective diversification.
  • How about bonds? My bond mufu remain underwater since late 2021 .. Ineffective diversification.
  • How about my HY/PE from Jill? In default… ineffective diversification.
  • I think many asset classes are highly correlated… fake diversification.
  • Other asset classes can have a super long trough (like 30Y) after a crash, such as gold and some properties.
  • Some private investment schemes are shady and unregulated such as HY/PE and some bccy. So diversification using them can become fraudulent.

In conclusion, nowadays I think diversification is oversold to the general public.

A superficial diversification would involve some high-beta stocks (high correlation with SP500), some bonds, some bccy, some gold, some HY/PE, but I doubt they would provide positive return (end-to-end) in a depressed market. Such a return is what I need for liquidity.