See also
- G5 Shields@family_livelihood #workout #600w, which positions career longevity among other key protections for my family livelihood.
- [19]random ffree-derailers #resilience
Paradox — Fuller wealth and ffree are defined in the context of zero salary, but my ffree is fragile. So, paradoxically, the bedrock of my fledgling ffree is my career longevity, such as but not limited to dev-till-70, health and vitality. Look at LKY and my dad in their 80’s.
More than a “shield“, this is a bedrock and a foundation. I like the vivid imagery of shield and bedrock.
I think many of peers (such as Jason Fu) are very pessimistic about dev-till-70 (not career longevity). I feel sad for them.
Both missteps and swans (external disasters) are “covered” by this shield.
— non-monetary benefit of career longevity are extremely important.
I want a purpose, engagement, interaction
— nonwork income? Much less reliable than career longevity. I’m more skeptical than pessimistic
— medical cost cushions? mostly I rely on my SG citizenship
Am I a cautious optimist? I think it’s better than pessimist.
— citizenship is the 2nd bedrock, providing multiple benefits
— my burn rate control is the soil around the bedrocks, almost invisible but always there.