
For top-up decisions, see other blogposts…

Regulation 1): full balance of SA + OA up to the FRS watermark will be transferred to a newly created RA. I think excess balance is forever free for withdrawal except the SA cash top-up amount (by CASH) is locked in forever.

Top-up — a $1k housing refund into OA is probably free after 55.

Regulation 2): Some amount of SA or RA balance could be usable for housing, subject to approval, but probably won’t get approved.

Priority 1: minimize age 55 RA lock-in amount, perhaps minimize to the BRS level.
Q: any excess amount can be withdrawn any time after 55? Yes confirmed with  CPF again.

Priority 2: When (and only when) I reach 65 I want to max out on ERS, as justified in y max out CPF-life #ERS . If I top to to ERS 10Y later, then …. not really maxed out.

— Target balance
At 55, after I pledge my property, my OA + SA target balance could drop to rather low, perhaps to BRS. Any “surplus” beyond BRS can be left in RA, available for withdrawal.

This is despite the rare 4% compound return available at CPF only .

Q: Pledging property…. Is my wife a 50% owner or 5% owner? What if she refunds all of her OA amount?
A: still she is considered a co-owner.

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