- $10k self top-up by cash .. excluded from green_portion of cpfRA. “Only meant for CpfLife monthly payout”. No way to withdraw at 55 or any time after.
- $10k within-family cash top-up, includes my annual 8k .. excluded
- $10k within-family cpf transfer .. excluded
- .. In my dashboard there is an amount displayed.
- $10k self transfer from her own OA (including VCon).. will go into green_portion 🙂
- $38k VCon -> 3-way split .. about 27k will go into green_portion 🙂
- .. salary contribution .. similar. Let’s wait for that to kick in.
The green_portion of wifeRA is f4w by “pledging”. As of Feb 2025, 24k is red_portion. Green_portion is about 60k.
It’s crucial to build up a big SA balance before she turns 55, so that when cpfRA is created, it will have a sizeable green_portion.
The timeline and process:
- at 55, FRS amount (say 250k) is auto-transferred from OA/SA into my new RA. (There may be an excess balance in OA/SA.)
- IFF we pledge my portion of the flat as “collateral” then we can take out the green_portion of cpfRA. We should test this channel after 55, a little bit.
- The OA/SA excess balance can be withdrawn 100% any time. We should exhaust this channel beffore touching the green_portion.
- After 55 (by 65), I will top up cpfRA to the ERS watermark.
- Before wife turns 55, self-transfer OA balance to SA.