gold: action plan #hold for 20Y

See gold≠growth asset,but something else

  • Sugg 1: buy 100g at a good mark-up, perhaps from UOB. Hold and endure the carry cost, until an upheaval or appreciation, perhaps beyond my lifetime.
  • Sugg 2: as I grow older, increase gold allocation towards 1 kilo, but in small pieces for increased liquidity.
    • Consider liquidating other assets.
    • Bigger position justifies custody cost.

Warning: I suspect gold price chart is unduly influenced by small investors, while many big gold holders hold it for generations and dont’ sell.

So the main attraction of gold is 1) flight-to-safety 2) long term appreciation against all currencies. On the other hand, main problem is the long wait. If you can afford to wait beyond your lifetime (legacy) then

  • your family is likely to be rewarded for your patience
  • gold may under-perform property or U.S. stocks, but unlikely to under-perform any currency in the world.

Pr (upheaval in 20Y) > 50%
Pr (gold appreciation above 50% | upheaval) = 50%

— quantum

How about gold coins? If mark up is good then yes.