— Central banks hold gold mostly as a supplement to OFR [official foreign reserve]. These assets are owned “ultimately” by citizens (not “taxpayers” [3]), but strictly owned by the central government. See other bposts.
[3] some tax payers are foreign nationals; some citizens have insufficient income and never pay tax, such as my kids and my dear wife.
- CB of US: 8133 tonne, highest in the world [1]
- CB of Germany: 3358 tonne, 2nd highest in the world
- IMF: 2810 tonne, 3rd among CBs
- CB of China: 1948 tonne[1], The IMF and gold.org data shows both total reserve and gold holdings of each country (excluding IMF). China is #1 in total reserve, #6 in terms of gold holdings. (myth: “China CB has the highest gold holding??”)
- CB of SG holds about 153 tonne of gold as reserve [1]. See every S’pore dollar is backed by hard asset #
- my two pieces of gold jewelry : 9.15 g + 1.85 g
- most of the 5580 tonnes of gold held in the Bank of England vaults is held in custody, on behalf of central banks
- LBMA vaults held 3870 tonnes at end of 2020
- GoldChartsRUs.com chart shows ETFs held 2575 tonnes in LBMA vaults.
[1] according to 2022 data on gold.org
As of 2019, Out of aggregate total of 190,000 tonnes, 32,000 tones were held by top 40 central banks. S$80k * 190 Million kilos = S$ 15 trillion.
— allocation by industry.. Using earlier data, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_holdings estimated that out of the 187,000 tonnes,
- 49% is in jewelries,
- 19% in financial investments (bar/coins, excluding CB holding),
- 17% by CB (i.e. central banks) as supplement to ORF, around 32,000 tonnes
- 12% for industrial use of gold.
— US government site https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-much-gold-has-been-found-world?qt-news_science_products=0#qt-news_science_products
- About 244,000 metric tons of gold has been discovered (not “produced”) to date
- .. 187,000 metric tons historically produced, but some might be damaged beyond repair.
- .. current underground reserves of 57,000 metric tons
- All of the gold discovered thus far would fit in a cube that is 28 meters wide on every side.
— production rate: 3500 tonne/Y, excluding secondary sources (old scrap)
https://www.northernminer.com/news/global-gold-production-will-average-2-5-annually-from-2020-2029/1003821667/ cites a Fitch forecast.