gold∉Productive asset,but what@@ shows gold price for last 100 years, denominated in USD. Better disable logScale and inflation-adjustment. The TotalReturn chart is dubious because dividend reinvestment is not always possible. See my blogpost on compound return. DJ. Clearly gold isn’t a growth asset comparable to stocks. Gold underperformed U.S. stocks only in that country and over specific periods.

  • over 50Y, gold matched U.S. stocks
  • over 30Y, gold underperformed U.S. stocks
  • How about Japan stock index? Europe index?

Therefore, Gold can be considered a

  • wealth preservation asset …. a.k.a…. legacy asset
  • defensive asset … a.k.a….. crash-proof asset
  • defensive against long-term inflation and currency depreciation
  • long-term inflation-hedge asset
  • diversification asset

But gold is not a growth asset as properties and U.S. stocks. You are unlikely to grow massive wealth using gold. Few people expect to make money when buying insurance. If you by gold, don’t keep looking at its market value. Put it aside just as you would do with an insurance policy.