splurge #sis,athletes #cf Creep

Splurge is more conscious than semi-conscious luxiry spend . Splurge is different from creep. Splurge is more conscious and faster; Creep is more recurring and seldom big-ticket items. (splurge is both a noun and a verb)

I need to watch out for this tendency in my kids. This tendency is found in every one of us, including me. The earliest eg: At the end of our New Silk-route venture, we had some bank account balance. In the end each person received $200+, but before that, I proposed (more than once) that we spend the balance on a feast. Luckily, the other shareholders decided to divide the balance and take home.

— I think my ctbz(寸土必争) micro-saving habit helps curb the splurge tendency + semi-conscious spend.

— Q: Why don’t I feel “safe” giving my wife a bigger monthly allowance?
eg: A: exactly because I have seen how my mom increased her spending 3 folds or more when we relocated to Singapore to earn a much higher income.

— why I want to live a long life and control the rate of “release” to my offspring.
eg: On 31 Dec 1993 on his return to China grandpa left some 5-digit sum for my sis. In 1994, she asked me to release it to her and subsequently spent it over a short period. I tend to say “12M” but possibly 6M or a few years.

— splurge tendency and the quick easy money
eg: Many professional athletes squander away their peak income, and descend into cash flow low ground after retirement.

eg: Many homeless people receive an inheritance or and squander it away within a year. It’s hard for such a individual to suddenly learn responsible spending.

eg: https://www.getrichslowly.org/how-and-why-i-sold-get-rich-slowly/ described the temptation to splurge.