A link to this blogpost: ffree^carefree^cashflowH/L ground
In my blogs, here are 4 related terms, ranked by durability
- carefree .. the current (half-year period) stress /profile/, largely based on ffree
- .. (not a tag) ezlife .. the broader lifestyle over a 3Y horizon, largely dependent on carefree
- T_utopia .. black-hat [critical, cautious, often negative] examination of my state of carefree, peaceful satisfaction/bliss, over a 3Y horizon. As a tag, this is more selective than T_carefree. Even broader than ezlife. Warning: “Utopia” has extra connotations.. See ##homegrown English terms #rikigai
- ffree .. strictly financial. “Temporary ffree”? Never
— In terms of cash flow
- carefree ezlife .. very short-term. Ezlife can come to a quick end.
- Cash flow high/low ground .. slightly less short-term, based on brbr math, Fuller wealth
- ffree .. long-horizon like 20Y, dominated by big shocks and hazards like black^white swans.
Therefore, real ffree is a high bar … see NAV 一辈子花不完@@ 3 factors .