— MPW .. buy up to 4 more shares
- 12M up; 3M zigzag up
- 🙂 I bought low
- 🙂 div increased through 2020. CDY 5%. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/mpw/dividend-history
- $10B established medical Reit.
- 🙂 analyst positive.. tgt $24 end of Apr
- underwater
- 🙂 div maintained through 2020.. CDY 10%.. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/nly/dividend-history
- 11B established
- 🙂 analyst positive
- I bought higher… can buy cheaper now
- 🙂 recommended 3 times since 2019
- 🙂 analyst positive
- monthly div dropped through 2020. CDY 9%. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/agnc/dividend-history
- $9B mortgage (MBS) Reit
- divD