Each monthly wage extends Fuller wealth by2M

See also blogposts on

For the next X years in Singapore, my family burn rate is predictable (no college no mortgage) at around $4k/M excluding transfers, $5k/M total burn rate. I sometimes tell my wife “Every time we squirrel away $60k from (work/nonwork) income, we extend our Fuller Wealth by a year.” This /prognosis/ is almost too good to be true. Simplistic but motivational thought. Long-term forecast is naturally less reliable, subject to multiple upsets but still, some guesstimates can help us plan better. Just remember not to put too much trust in the guesstimate numbers.

This prognosis is a useful yardstick for comparison with other families. Some families can “add a year” quickly (a couple of paychecks), while others need a decade to “add a year”.

— going from strength to strength, from strong to stronger .. In 2018 I had a numerical projection showing barebones ffree. Then in 2020, I wrote to wife another numerical projection showing that salaries are not really needed.

So my Fuller wealth already exceeds those targets. Every new month, my nest egg is now more fortified/resilient [2], growing (by $5k+) towards a new target of “no need to flee to U.S.

[2] Keystone of the “nest egg” idea is … defense — against hazards, missteps, contingencies, uncertainties.

How does this prognosis differentiate me from my cohort? Many people also grow their nest egg every month, but they don’t have a FIRE target amount like 25Y worth @ living expenses. I have multiple progressive targets.

— Let’s /substantiate/shore up/ some weaknesses of this prognosis.

  1. college cost will become relevant in about 8 years. Fuller Wealth is not about luxury or higher aspiration, but aiming at a basic healthy level of lifestyle.
  2. medical cost?
  3. inflation? Addressed in several blogposts. I believe SG CPI inflation is much lower than …