livelihood n Maslow’s hierarchy@needs #w1r2

See also

  • maximizing potency is a focus study (blogpost) using the Maslow pyramid as a framework. It provides concrete examples of Esteem, Self-Actualization etc.

This diagram from wikipedia is a better diagram than the pyramid. In poverty (left end), physiological and safety needs dominate. Sometime in our adolescence, belongingness [ social inclusion/acceptance, exclub/FOLB …] tend to dominate, when the lower needs go “underground”. Fairly soon, esteem_needs become dominant. This phase often lasts indefinitely and is seldom , if ever, overtaken by self-actualization needs for most individuals.

— livelihood .. as defined in my blogposts are mostly about 1) safety 2) belongingness, love (family). Esteem_needs are not strictly livelihood. If you draw a vertical line somewhere in the graph, you may notice a ranking in terms of “needs intensity”. Unlike the pyramid, the higher needs are more intense.

  • yellow above lime[safety] above orange[esteem] and green[physiological] … is the “standard” hierarchy of livelihood needs in rich cities like SG, U.S. or perhaps the upper middle class in some Chinese cities.
  • yellow above orange[esteem] above lime[safety] above green[physiological] .. the hierarchy of livelihood needs for my peers

— safety needs in my observation .. include retirement inflation, medical inflation, clean air, sanitized safe housing,,,, as described in livelihood[def2] x-class #S.Liu . As such, it is usually above (i.e. more important more intense) than esteem_needs

My T_defense tag collects many non-trivial reflections of safety concerns.

— esteem_needs .. Maslow noted two versions of esteem_needs. The “lower” version of esteem is the need for respect from others, and may include a need for status, recognition, prestige, and attention. The “higher” version of esteem is the need for self-respect, and can include a need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence, and freedom.

— Q: when middle-class immigrant parents work so hard to send their kids to a branded college, how does Maslow theory explain it?
Esteem_need is One element .. like a badge of honor. It satisfies the (lower and higher) esteem_needs of parents more than the grown child.

My fundamental belief — a luxury college education only slightly enhances the grown child’s capacity to meet her own livelihood needs. However, many parents overrate that education-as-enhancement , like it would transform the child into a higher human being… a major misperception. I think many of these parents feel their own socioeconomic status is not in the upper class (上层社会 exclub) but a branded college education would raise their offspring into upper class.

I had first-hand experience (3 years!) in an expensive college. I know my fellow graduates are not fundamentally higher than lesser-known college graduates. A good high school would provide a more conducive environment during the formative years, but by age 18, most kids already know what they want, and won’t be highly influenced by the local culture of the university. A branded university does help the graduate get into good companies.

— Self-actualization .. left a vague impression on me even though I once read it extensively in my school (college?) days. I even photocopied the relevant chapters of his book. This need is elusive and ivory-tower.