Q: (as of mid Jan 2021) for the last few days, have I overspent time on this? I did postpone the t-spend ?
A: no. If there’s a mis-calc or unnoticed (but legit) charge, then consequence is hard to estimate.
A: No. I would say the tcost (and legwork) is inevitable. We just aim to minimize it while keeping control over the information overload.
[[a few points on billing]] email has some summary.
In terms of MIS (management information system), I have an advantage over other landlords in the same shoes. Like a winUp, The “audit” challenge is non-trivial for the majority of remote landlords, and can be heavy, painful and very complicated. Many give up and accept incorrect accounting. I will use a combination of emails + blog + spreadsheet. There is also a Kondoko portal “system” but I can’t update anything there. I wish the portal content is reliable and consistent.
— record keeping of PNB transactions
- deposit slips .. archived by Kondoko. Once sent to me, it is easy to archive.
- PNB_SOA .. easy to archive. More reliable than deposit slips.
- ^^ above two can be kept in one zip file, sent in emails
- spreadsheet of PNB transactions .. annotated summary of the PNB_SOA. Valuable, but time-consuming
- bpost table of PNB transactions .. most accessible … keep it as a summary of the spreadsheet
— comparing s/s ^ blog ^ email
- s/s .. most powerful numerically. Need to designate one master storage like github?
- blog .. clearly more accessible , and more linkable, than s/s and gmail. Good for a summary, possibly in-depth.
- Email .. closest to “raw_data”, but hard to edit.
— https://www.kondokoportal.com/Pages?view=login bin_tan/1111
Focus is the itemized bill .. (The totals at the bottom are confusing but usually correct, less easy_to_miss)
— use a spreadsheet to track an entire lease.
====emails: The PNB eSOA is reliable and complete, just as other banks’ eStatements. (You need x84) However, it is not part of the system below.
The central “objects” in this OO design are the email (with or without attachment). All other features revolve around these emails. Emails are easy to copy but troublesome to “edit” (via annotated forwards).
- annotated forwards — those emails to my mlp mail with comments in body, and optionally changing subject
- .. can delete earlier annotated forwards
- .. mlp MSOutlook has better folders.
- A single mail from Kondoko can be copied multiple times within my email systems, with different subjects.
- I feel every monthly bill should have some comments
— In general, I prefer attachment than links to online bills. Attachments are easy to copy, save. I take control of their safe storage.