G9 SMS 2break away from brainwash #wage decline

See also

I decided to group this blogpost with related blogposts, so as to have a single tag “t_breakaway”. Not purist, I prioritize cross-linking.

  • My wife always feels I look too thin for my health and appearance. I remind myself “I trust my BMI analysis — Based on years of self-monitoring, My BMI goal is well-founded. Many in my cohort would probably get better healthy longevity if they adopt similar BIM goals.”

Most of the other SMS messages are related to middle-class aspirations

  • Many of my peers seem to suggest my family deserves higher Burn Rate. I focus on livelihood and believe a BR equal to 80% of local median income is reasonable and adequate. By that standard, many of my peers spend way too much.
  • branded college .. Can I accept if my kids only get into community college or polytechnic? This mainstream brainwash is still hitting me hard
  • home size
  • school district
  • car ownership .. In the U.S., and even in SG, my peers take up car ownership for convenience, not livelihood.
  • career longevity is more important than salary growth; healthy longevity is more important than (long-term) financial security

— Decline in salary .. is another example of breakaway. In middle-age, as livelihood (esp. healthcare + edu) expenses /peak/, should I try to maintain/increase my salary? That’s the conventional brainwash .. remember insurance agents. In reality, the dev salary at age 20+ to 40 is way too high. Therefore, maintaining it is often unsustainable and extremely stressful. My breakaway view:

  • recognize the super-high salary in younger years. Squirrel away more than 2/3 of it and invest, similar to SG past reserves.
  • during the middle-age phase, the nest egg would provide for family livelihood
  • As a result, I don’t have to maintain my salary. I can aim lower, to match the 20-something developers. That salary range is still very comfortable by national standard, and strikes a realistic balance between effort [stress, risk] and reward.