— 3 types of inflation, as I told boy (CCA)
- CPI inflation .. (retail market)
- Commodity inflation .. (wholesale market) .. agriculture, construction, minerals, energy, shipping, extreme weather, geopolitical tensions,,,,, “News-related”
- Asset inflation .. I think mostly real assets, perhaps equities, not bonds.
How about wage inflation? Well wage is not a price tag, so “wage inflation” is an unnatural extension of the “shrinking dollar bill” inflation concept.
Commodity inflation is a driver of CPI inflation, but often invisible to laymen.
— CPIx
Is this(income+asset) inflation || improving` livingStandard — “Inflation” in this context goes beyond CPI. I call it CPIx-inflation in my blog, and is related to asset inflation, among other things.
CPIx inflation is hard to estimate. See also latency无底洞 about medical inflation as an exmaple of CPIx inflation
In contrast, CPI-inflation is implied and assumed, whenever we talk about retirement, cpfLife, basket or inflation figures like 2%.