— https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2020/10/26/jared-kushner-african-americans-must-want-to-be claims (from unknown sources)
12.1% of Black Americans are unemployed last month, compared to 7% of White Americans.
A typical Black American family held one-eighth the wealth of a White counterpart last year and made about 60 cents for every dollar earned by White families.
Black Americans are also less likely to hold stocks, which have experienced record gains even amid the pandemic this year. Just 6.7% of Black households held equities in 2019, compared to 18.6% of White households.
Wealth = Asset – Debt… including rEstate, stocks etc. Could data points be negative? Not sure. The ability of positive wealth to buffer economic shocks can provide critical support to households during economic downturns.
Note 2019 figures in this report are more typical than any pandemic-stricken 2020 figures.
In 2019 the median white household held $188,200 in wealth — 7.8 times that of the typical Black household ($24,100)
In 2019, 17 percent of white households expected to receive an inheritance compared to just 6 percent of Black households. Actually, 30 percent of white households received an inheritance in 2019 at an average level of $195,500 compared to 10 percent of Black households at an average level of $100,000. (I would say average inheritance amount is less representative than median, but median is unavailable.)
In 2019, 73 percent of white families compared to 42 percent of Black families owned a home
— https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/02/27/examining-the-black-white-wealth-gap/
White average household wealth ($929,800), which is more influenced by very rich families and does not characterize the typical experience, is 6.7 times greater than Black household average wealth ($138,100).
For those households in the national top decile by income (3.6% Black, and 96.4% other races), the racial wealth gap is still quite large: median net worth (same as “wealth”, in this article) for white families in this income group is $1,789,300 versus $343,160 for Black families. I guess that in this decile, most “households” are actually families.
At the individual level, 65–74-year-olds accumulate to $302,500 in median white wealth and $46,890 in median Black wealth.
This article points out the racial differences in savings and education. I would say the East Asians, and Jewish are very good at it.