BGC fire insurance: 2tough choices #chipaway

I need to accept the (/unpleasant/) reality —

  • On one hand, we receive constant reminders about the importance of insurance.
  • On the other hand, the quotes we get from Aleris are always unreasonable. Maybe Aleris only works with a small number of insurers?

— Those “constant reminders” are unwelcome. I think they are like “PC health scan” scares. Good to receive once a decade but not every year. I would say that the risk of fire is relatively low, and a fact of life. I myself constantly live under the threats of … (half-ranked by likelihood)

  • health disasters,
  • traffic accidents,
  • financial woes,
  • natural disasters,
  • kidnap risks,
  • ^^ [19]random derailers@ffree has other threats beyond my *recent* worries.

— option: legwork: I could take on the legwork and contact the insurers by myself
— option: call Aleris to explain the situation
— option (default): do nothing and stay uninsured.