— emotional closure
- police did quite a lot of work, beside giving detailed updates face to face … worthwhile trip
- money did go out to Brazil
- To the authorities, my financial loss is $10k-800-1600. The $100 admin fee is supposed to be a transaction cost borne (not “born”) by investors
- No evidence of negligence, dishonesty, ponzi scheme,,,,, so no justification for clawback of sales commission.
RitzG5 CEO probably passed away. In many legal jurisdictions, this event can legitimately bring about an “overnight closure”, where the company ceases operation and stops all communication. In some cases, investors are unable to receive anything from the company’s remaining asset, meaning the local law protects the company shareholders more than us investors.
My case appears to be a company “business failure”. Similar to a stock collapse.
Before investing, I didn’t know about the legal risk, and key-man risk.
Initially, when I made the police report, I didn’t expect much. Now I realize the ensuing complexity, the effort by police, endless follow-up effort by me is much bigger. After the 4 Sep 2023 interview at Tanlin HQ, I felt much better and sighed a sigh of relief. Even though monetary loss remains exactly unchanged, my suspicion, burden of duty (to follow through), self-hate ,,, have all lightened.
Aha, even without livelihood impact, I would feel a real and permanent emotional pain if..
- if the loss is 100k+, even though it won’t affect my livelihood
- if police refuses to investigate or my case queues up for decades, while the bad guys keep cheating.
- if without due diligence police simply blames my misjudgement and case closed. I guess this is how Edwin’s family felt.
- if there remains a non-trivial suspicion of foul play, as was the case from 2019 to 2022
— https://www.companies.sg/business/201217419M/RITZ-PROPERTY-INVESTMENT-ASIA-PTE-LTD- shows a live company with address. Police told me this company is a small local office only.
— Police report #E-20220304-2054. Kelly Quek 63914712
— Ritz-G5 is featured in http://www.sunmediaonline.com/magazine/brazil/brazil16.pdf (uploaded to google drive) , along with MajesticVillage. This pdf is a 2016 magazine.
Note the company domain name is now for sale.
— https://majesticvillagebyshenton.wordpress.com/ mentions Shenton the marketing agency
(entire page uploaded to google drive)
— https://majesticvillagebyshenton.wordpress.com/updates/ mentions a 2014 due-diligence trip by the Singapore team, but the video has been deleted.