I feel sReit [S-Reits] is more transparent than usReit, largely due to the nanny state regulation. A club of heavy-hitters. The parent companies are often government-linked, otherwise huge rEstate operators heavily scrutinized by regulators and media. As such, they are low-risk in terms of governance, credit risk,,,
Many sReit gets more media coverage than the typical US-reits, partly because of their brand names. The buildings they own are often household names.
There are relatively few variations (a form of cognitive complexity) among the sReits. Very similar business models.
I feel Sreit business models are hopefully less complicated than US-reits. Only half of my US-reits are traditional lease operators. The financial devices used in Sreits are presumably more vanilla, more transparent.
— compare to div stocks like T:US
- both Blue-chips with long trec
- need to see div trec
- 🙁 no zero-commission incremental buy