j4 alternative ETF to SPY

Background: I already have many (invisible) positions closely tracking the SP500.

In speed up: riskCapital4U.S.eq 20k #Aaron I explained the need(?? or unwanted peer pressure) to speed up my risk capital build-up. If I have not decided to allocate to a sector, but want to increase my exposure to the broad U.S. market as a whole,  then there are a few alternatives to the SPY ETF.

  • 80% chance I may realize that an “alternative” is very similar to SPY, not a real alternative. The buying decision was therefore misguided. The financial impact is likely small, so the tcost incurred was really for learning.
  • 20% chance that I may find something worthwhile in these alternative ETFs
  • tiny risk that the returns on these ETFs are really inferior to SPY. I take it as a market risk and learning lesson.