Q: does housing refund or cpf top-up affect the snap?
A: No. All intra-family transfers.
— #1 weakness of my homegrown methodology: lack of checksum feature like the “unexplaind residual” in exp recon.
- The “immutable snaps” feature is a limited safety protection…. Effective safeguard during cell movements
- Similarly, git history also provides timestamped snapshots.
— tcost .. a real concern to me. I now spend 1<-3 hours each time to reach a GES [good-enough snap], and then uncounted hours fine-tuning, improve dependability, analyzing the details, trends.
The second phase is recreational complexity and optional. It is an incremental tcost.
==== guidelines
— guideline: git history rewrite, to reduce noisy history? Each rewrite/force-push is a hazardous operation. Perhaps do one big rewrite to clean up after the dust settles in Mar?
If you intend to do it, then it pays to “buy” cheap insurance by creating verbose tags periodically.
— guideline: for floating assets, Adhere to conservative/prudent accounting principles. Prefer book value, not market value. BookVal reduced legwork, tcost and operational risk.
- for steady growing assets [SP500, GS stock, China rEstate,,] bookVal gives me a “cushion”/safetyNet that in X years the /available/ market value would likely exceed bookValue by a huge margin
- for unstable assets [mufu,,], bookVal is my only choice. Hopefully the asset has long-term potential.
— guideline: for deposit/loan except those sub-$2000 accounts, prefer round-number estimates over exact figures, not only in GES[good-enough snap], but during fine-tuning. As explained in the sheet, “exact” means “accurate up to thousands”
If you put an exact figure for Year 1, then you would be pressured to do the same for Year 2, Year3,,,
— guideline on cellComment^footerComment^columnHeaderComment^bpost. This type of important, evolving spreadsheets always needa lots of annotations, and more than one type of “technology”
- cellComment is an Excel builtin feature. Can hide, relocate.
- Some annotations/instructions can move into this bpost, to lighten up the spreadsheet.
- We can also create a readme tab in the workbook
— guideline on color and bolding .. Minimize colors and bolding. Prefer grey. When we are under pressure to highlight something, we will use some color temporarily.
— guideline: “total converted to USD” … a distraction for now. I kept it there only to benchmark agaisnt international wealth standards. I will keep it in small font and dim color. Historical totals .. can be removed.
This number and the total in SGD, as snapshots need to be immutable, not subject to FX fluctuation. Therefore, I snapshot [yahoo] a USD/SGD rate on 28 Feb of each year, though there’s no closing price in the 24H market.
==== J4
— J4 (G3): trend_analysis…(YoY growth) A GES needs to follow consistent criteria longitudinally
- trend_analysis::annual growth .. as rough as the snapshot estimate
- trend_analysis::allocation changes
J4: estimate my percentage asset-allocation profile. I never had any reliable (even if imprecise) profile
— J4: address liquidity questions:
Q: what total amount of asset is grossly illiquid?
Q: what total amount of asset is too liquid? .. susceptible to impulsive missteps and sitting duck for hackers
— J4: identify types of stable, sleep-easy assets. I assume they are mostly low-yield
Overseas rental rEstate is not stable.
Q: as I grow older, shall I reduce %allocation to these long-term/strategic/less-stable assets?
— J4: identify types of assets to designate as legacy
— J4: benchmark to SgAIS .. in terms of “financial” asset