18>DX 9%: small mReit #$60 achieved

  • šŸ™ 5Y no real growth
  • šŸ™‚ CDY 9% .. didn’t drop much in 2020 https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DX/dynex-capital/dividend-yield-history
  • šŸ™‚ analyst no-sell $18 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=dx
  • small-cap

Dynex Capital investsĀ in mortgageā€“backed securities (MBS) on a leveraged basis in the United States. It invests in agency and nonā€“agency MBSĀ consisting of residential MBS, commercial MBS (CMBS), and CMBS interestā€“only securities.

Agency MBS have a guarantyĀ of principal payment by an agency of the U.S. government or a U.S. governmentā€“sponsored entity, such as Fannie MaeĀ and Freddie Mac. Nonā€“Agency MBS have no such guaranty of payment.