branded degree: instead@USD300k, I paid UChicago 50k

Somehow, I got a good deal.  Can share with LZ.Yu.

  • ! I didn’t pay 4 years x 70k. I paid only for one year.
  • ! my highest degree is now from UChicago. Most of the time, I don’t need to mention my first degree.
  • Due to c++ exemption, I saved on many modules, about 25% of the tuition fees which was SGD 90k+

— Total cost I paid to NUS was below SGD 4k over 4 years. This amount is an outlier.

  • + SGD 21k over Y1/Y2
  • – SGD 1.5k x 4 bursary
  • – SGD 500 x 24M from EDB stipend
  • – interest earned from student loan. The loan disbursement was held in a savings account. Loan amount was 80% of school fees, adding up to about 33k. Assuming average 2Y x 2% pa, total interest generated was around $1300