- eg: my dad .. lost his father at 14, before he joined the army. His mom also left.
- eg: LKY grew distant from his dad, according to a [[Times]] obituary
— eg: Steve jobs, soon after birth, was given up (for adoption) by his parents.
(Note Jobs’s “broken family” story is well-covered, easy to blog!)
Job’s biographer Isaacson makes it clear that even though Jobs always knew he was adopted, he considered his adoptive parents to be his real parents. Because they’d chosen to give him a home while his birth parents gave him away, Jobs grew up feeling both abandoned and special.
Studies have revealed that children heal from the separation better when their parents tell the story of their adoption. While Steve Jobs’s adoption was closed — each couple would never know one another, so the child had no contact with or information about his biological parents—Isaacson says that Paul and Clara Jobs emphasized to him that they chose to be his parents.
Jobs declined an invitation to meet his biological father but warmly embraced the opportunity to meet his biological mother.