MAPIC: j4$1100 #

GEX knows the developer and can help reduce Megaworld type of problem.

Below are some of the potential benefits/ROI for the $1100 fee [membership fee + training fee]

t$Cost is $1100 + tcost. There’s refund guarantee — doesn’t feel like a marketing gimmick.

[!u=Not a unique benefit of this program. Without this program, I can also achieve the same]

— [u] benefit: micro_view.. Due to my experience trading stocks, mufu etc I have never focused on selecting specific units or locations that are underpriced, undervalued, or under pressure to sell.
Apparently, personal network is the “key”.

— [u] benefit: Risk /mitigation/..” Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” I have learned something from my ventures. The learning is crucial. I think P.Liew takes lots of bold actions because he is experienced. GS takes many risky bets than other ibanks thanks to risk mgmt system. The risk is still present and these players can fail, but their risk profile is very different form a foolhardy (傻大胆) or inexperienced investor.

So in the beginning it’s important to get your feet wet following a veteran.

Overseas rEstate (or SG commercial) is high risk hig return. I hope MAPIC has safety features built-in, to protect the small retail investors. If a small investor is too risk averse (like my wife), then perhaps they should stay away after paying for the training. This is Scenario K below/above.

— [u] benefit: guided expedition (to Everest) .. Except in U.S. stocks, I always believe paid guidance [consultation, advice] beats free guidance. In this case, the guidance covers due diligence [legal matters, rental projection, political risk assessment], negotiations, contract modifications .. very complex to a beginner.

My sister has some experience. To an experienced business person like her, it may not be so complex.

Compared to the assistance I received on Brazil project or Cambodia projects, I hope GEX team is more involved, more committed. Hopefully Comparable to NCT’s guidance, but I doubt it.

However, NCT is one-person, with limited bandwidth. What I offend him or he shifts his focus elsewhere?

— [u] benefit (IFF I take up a bulk deal): access to a SG commercial space .. SG location offers many real advantages over U.S., SEAsia, China… Advantages like familiarity and legal framework. So in SG the commercial space is very attractive.

This program brings me closer (if not “access”) to this and other alluring markets.

In a sense, the $1100 is a club membership to access this market + UK/Au markets.

— [u] benefit (IFF I take up a bulk deal): access to UK/Au markets, unrealistic without guidance.
I always have a secret fantasy to own a non-HDB property, but I have always stayed away, based on assumptions… Unproven Assumptions about risk. This risk comes from not knowing what you are doing, as discussed above/below.
— Q2: would I take on an A$500k home and sell my BGC unit? No. BDYK [BetterTheDevilYouKnow]

As explained in forward hazard rate, My BGC unit is now a much safer asset than it was in 2015. This improvement in “hazard rate” is realized, concrete and bigger than the promised improvement due to the GEX’s risk mitigation expertise.

  • Concentration risk and size of exposure is much better (smaller) at BGC.
  • No mortgage needed.
  • Tenants are probably easier to find in BGC than in a typical suburb, unless the suburb is special but we won’t know it until we try (see FHR)
  • .. NGRY could be better or worse.
  • See blogpost on DCC

So why would I dispose of a safer, more proven cash cow for something riskier?

Q2b: would I take on an SG commercial and sell my BGC unit? Plausible

  1. currency risk
  2. legal system
  3. easier to find local agents
  4. easier to manage when I’m in the U.S.

— a few minor benefits

  • [u] benefit: (IFF I take up a bulk deal) reduce concentration_risk of Cambodia while maintaining my allocation to rEstate sector
  • [u] benefit: (IFF I take up a bulk deal) good use of my spare cash. As I said before, I would have a growing pile of spare cash before I leave MLP.
  • [!u] benefit: (IFF I take up a bulk deal) reduce dependency on WSC_harbor and support stay-home mom, as explained in [21]to sis:G3specific goals@invest` #Shiller. See Q3 below.
  • [!u] benefit: learn something about sReit
  • benefit: possibly a comprehensive course for an investor overweight on rEstate (for decades), but self-taught.

— Q9: how could I regret this decision?
Scenario K: I don’t find anything meaningful in the 2D course. I don’t find any suitable deal.
Scenario: I find out that elsewhere I could access the same deal at equivalent or better prices (more likely for wealthy investors). Unlikely since I don’t even look at the non-HDB market.

The investment “opportunities” could be irresistible and derail my carefree bubble.

— The #1 biggest problem .. big mortgage is a potential derailer, and was one of the biggest show-stoppers in the past, whenever I considered overseas properties. Most retail investors are too greedy and aggressive.

Case in point — refinance to buy a second property. This strategy is sure to derail your ezlife bubble. You may break part of your bubble and roll it to cashflow low ground, not due to a storm, nor a swan event but a misstep, a manmade disaster. has a numeric example. Imagine your current home value is $400,000 and your current mortgage balance is $100,000. Now, say you want to make an $80,000 down payment on a second home. You’ll take out a cash-out refinance loan (mtg2) worth $180,000 (sized for you). Out of that, $100,000 will pay off your existing mtg1, and you’ll pocket the remaining $80,000 for the down payment. Your 2nd home will be on a brand new mortgage, but your 1st home will carry the 180k mtg2.

Right now, am actively planning the max-leverage (thing/scheme) with minimum cpfOA balance, no IRAS prepayment, no mtg PRP. The longer I /hold up/ this max-leverage, the heavier my burden weighs

  • high burn rate due to IRAS and big mtg
  • exposure to LIR hazard
  • loss of opportunity to earn interest on cpfOA

So as soon as I lose interest/patience/hope in grabbing another property, I would abandon this max-leverage

— The #2 biggest (and neglected) item is U.S. relocation. (U.S. housing plan…) … Not If but When!

  • Div stocks are much easier to liquidate. Selective cash-out. Low transaction cost.
  • Aus, BGC property would all tie me down .
  • SG commercial rEstate is better in terms of NRY, currency, legal risks, but quantum too big.

==== Q3: div stock ^ overseas (or SgCP) rEstate.. Shall I invest 200-300k into div stocks including Reits?

Paradox: I feel it’s unlikely I would invest so much into stocks. If I have 300k free cash (including wife’s) I would leave it as is rather than buying div stocks. But if there’s a rEstate deal, I would jump in head first (risky)

jolt: With div stocks the quantum advantage is also its /handicap/, as I can’t persuade myself to commit 500k on an ETF or 10 stock (diversification). So I end up on a very slow incremental top-up. See also [21] speed up: riskCapital4U.S.eq

jolt: I think the idea of buy-n-forget is 3x more effective with rEstate than div stocks. With rEstate there’s not much monitoring to do.

Jolt: shifting allocation between asset classes is costly and slow with rEstate.

sReits can be a proxy for SgCP, and can be better than usReits due to local knowledge, but this plan requires lots of due diligence.

Paradox: I have a strict discipline to never borrow money to buy stocks, but I do borrow money to invest in rEstate !

Paradox: consistent payout trec .. the dividend superstars are more proven than most rEstate markets.

See also