Singlife SSP #tips

Every insurer/bank’s system has its idiosyncrasies, and can present a burdensom/recreational complexity. I find myself relying on the Singlife self-service portal more and more.

— FLI250 policy is owned by CIMB. Due to privacy, Singlife (hotline or SSP) will NOT disclose any details to non-owners like me.

— log in to MySinglife, not CustomerPortal

— Somehow, when I receive the sms instruction to check mydoc on SSP, I sometimes don’t see the doc

to see your police full listing, go to Insurance -> Policies.

The Insurance -> coverage (the default page) is less useful 🙁

— payment due dates .. each policy shows NextDueDate, but not the Giro date.

Giro date is in SMS (no log-in required) but you will need to save it somewhere.