##taxes – property investments #eg: BGC

https://bgcmegaworld.com/for-foreign-investors/ has many details.

— Tax: annual Property tax
Conclusion: Pay
* In Singapore this is a proxy of rental income tax. Below $100 on my Blk 155 home.
* BGC – I believe this applies, 1% a year. Chun Tih said Just Pay.
* Phnom Penh — Bridge management covers it, if any
* NJ super high.

— Tax: rental income tax
Conclusion: Evade
BGC – does apply, but I don’t know how they assess my income net of expenses. The Expo salespeople said many owners under-declare. You can also say the tenant is a friend or relative.

Phnom Penh — Bridge management covers it.

— Tax: capital gain tax
Conclusion: pay
http://www.globalpropertyguide.com/Asia/Philippines/Taxes-and-Costs says 6% of sale price. Confirmed at the Expo. There’s some 1.5% tax, so adding up to 7.5%.

This is a transaction cost similar to credit card surcharge, or brokerage commission, or forex handling fee, or wire transfer commission. The seller (not buyer) is supposed to pay it (say $7777), but can transfer it to buyer by adding that amount to the price tag.

Now I feel from owner #N to owner #N+1, this 6% is like a constant factor of 1.06 that’s always added on top of declared price. #N receives $1M (declared) or 0.94M (actual), and #N+1 receives 2M (declared) or 1.88M (actual). In this way it’s similar to seller-borne stamp duty or commission. If government stamp duty is 6%, then your property must appreciate more than 6% to cover this cost.

There’s an obscure feature in the Megaworld contract. The land title is not transferred from Megaworld to me so early, so government doesn’t know me as owner yet. When I sell to Mr KK, I avoid the 6% sales tax. When KK sells to Mdm HH, KK avoids 6% again, but pays PHP 50k to Megaworld, provided land title has not registered with government.

— Tax: GST or VAT (value-added tax) when selling
Conclusion: inapplicable
Singapore — only the commission attracts GST.
PH — supposed to be 12%, but looks like only corporations pay it — inapplicable to me.
