When everyone is greedy, be fearful; when everyone is fearful be greedy.
If something is a conviction I am willing to invest at least 5k in it.
Best example — BGC uptown property.
Example — the Allianz HY fund.
Example — Jill’s property offers. I invested 10k x 3
In many of the above examples, I often prefer smaller lots because I don’t have deep conviction. In reality, these investments had minimum commitment, so I was forced to commit large sums, Uncomfortable.
Side note — Some other big gambles I made:
* going to US
* sending my wife and baby boy back to Singapore
* quitting my full time IT job to go solo
Here are my current convictions:
- USDSGD to rise. Should go long 10k – 20k, but could easily lose sleep.
Looks like I have no conviction about equity investment.
Brazil? Dare not invest more than 2k
Turkey? Dare not invest more than 2k