Bank::SCB #5

  • scheduled FAST possible. Usually before 11am.
  • EOD balance snapshot .. around 11:59pm, confirmed 3 times
  • hotline 6747 7000: 8a – 8p daily… See
  • .. from landline, you can press “5” -> smsOTP (usable in 2025) -> 1 for agent
  • If overseas, you can contact SCB via 1) mobank::chat 2) webank::mailbox

If you pay ccard statement balance on the due day itself, it would be “received” immediately (Webank may show it a day later.) and therefore no late fee 🙂

— SCSC statement date .. 10th of the month weekend/weekday.
If a $22 charge is posted on 10th, it would be included in the satement dated 10th (the same day).

Usually, posting date is not transaction date.

— fraud auto-suspension

I was told that adding payee was the main trigger on 29 Aug. In general adding too many payees is always a red flag. I will keep #108, BOC long term.

If fraud detection kicks in

  • Hopefully I get SMS and respond in time…
  • If really blocked, then need to call hotline immediately and wait for the call back. They will verify me and unblock me hopefully within an hour.

For a big FAST transfer, better do it early. If blocked by the system, then call in immediately.

— FBF see FBF compare across banks

— account security:
Beside the password, you need the mobileApp to get in

adding payee … See ##banking++ PINs: grave dangers