Fuller wealth[def] #YH

update: ffree^carefree^ezlife #horizon explains that ffree analysis is dominated by big shocks, not Fuller Wealth.

Hi YH,

“If you and your partner stopped working today, how many days could you survive financially on the money you have, maintaining your current lifestyle?” … That’s Buckminster Fuller’s definition of wealth.

What I shared about my “financial freedom” hinges on burn rate i.e. the amount I spend each month to keep an acceptable lifestyle. My family burn rate was up to SGD 6000/month including income taxes, new electronic items, vacations, air tickets for grandparents, but excluding mortgage and allowance to grandparents …. That is based on 2 years of detailed, cross-verified record.

As I said, if my wife and me both stop working, we would cut down to SGD 3500 ($2500 in USD), still maintaining an acceptable lifestyle.

Is USD 2500/month burn rate realistic for you or your peers, with two kids?

Yes Realistic for me because

  1. taxes S$700
  2. kids expenses add up to S$1900
  3. vacations + flights add up to about $400-800
  4. ….Eliminating these would cut burn rate to below S$3500 easily.
  • Assumption: inflation is offset by rising rental income
  • Assumption: no major medical cost incurred outside the hospital
  • Assumption: Education cost is small up to high school. At university level, I will assume my kids can get a student loan or work to study.