[17]( !! impoverished) minimalist life:burn rate liv`Alone]U.S.

“Modest” is another adjective, but I prefer “simple”. Many things are unnecessary complexities.

I choose to compare with my peers, mostly Chinese and Indian techies. I don’t know the locals very well.

  • #1 biggest percentage of monthly burn rate is rent. Many of my Indian colleagues pay $1k or higher. I guess they prefer privacy rather than collocation with owner.
  • #2 would be transportation. car ownership has many many on-going costs… Public transport is simpler but compared to Singapore, too costly.
  • My bicycle is much cheaper and simpler. (I tried a $80 bike in Walmart.) Below $5/month on-going cost.
  • #3 would be food. Most hot cooked (not Pre-packaged) food is far costlier than in Singapore.
  • hot drinks feel like a luxury. Probably costs $2-$7 but sub-$2 also possible. Packaged drinks are cheaper and simpler.
  • raw food is generally cheaper and simpler — nuts, veg, onion, carrot
  • mobile phone plans are higher than Singapore. I choose the lowest $23/$19 and rely on wifi — simpler. Works perfectly fine.