The strain + pain I feel due to SDXQ
- higher price tag -> heavier mortgage
- longer commute -> less time for family or rest
- or both
I complained about peer pressure. It’s real. I can imagine that “most” [1] of my Chinese and Indian peers live in top school districts and send their kids to good schools there. I feel poor as a parent if my kids don’t go to some school in a good school district, whereas the kids of my peers do.
Paradoxically, if my kids can’t compete in a top school and transfer to a regular school in a good school district, I won’t feel the guilt. That particular guilt is about providing enough for my kids — Real peer pressure. Then Deepak raised Point #1 why don’t you care about the serious peer advice that you should not live away from family? Strangely, I have a robust defense against the “family separation” accusation and peer pressure. But why am I defenseless against the “school district” peer pressure? Because deep in my psyche, I still believe a decent school is a probably necessity for my kids.
If the regular U.S. schools are as lousy as I feared in my subconscious, then my kids can stay in Singapore schools.
When I feel the unwanted pressure to buy a school district house, I immediately blame the peer pressure but actually the key is my mentality.
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