home/school location: 2 things I can’t sacrifice

Each family has key constraints and hard limits to flexibilities. You see similar hard limits when you do yoga poses 🙂

Some can’t accept small space; some can’t accept old houses; some can’t accept above-avg schools.. The more things you can sacrifice (the more flexible), the stronger you are.

However, be honest.

  • —- for single living
  • 1) can’t accept long commute
  • 2) dirty street? Bushwick standard was barely acceptable
  • —- For the family
  • 1) can’t sacrifice street cleanliness or safety
  • can’t sacrifice freedom of selling, but this is rarely an issue.
  • academically above-average schools? I feel I can accept
  • commute? I choose to accept it as sacrifice for the family
  • size? I feel 90% TPY size is acceptable. When kids grow up we can move.
  • restrictions on renting out? I would accept very grudgingly.
  • slow appreciation? perfectly acceptable. Look at my #2-1173
  • —- for the school
  • 1) can’t accept bad influence or poor commitment/enforcement by school
  • can’t sacrifice safety but rarely an issue.
  • academic standard as measured by standardized benchmarking? I don’t worry too much.