##many options: avg学区 ≠ avg school #index

  • opportunity — compete to enter a magnet school in an average SD
  • opportunity — compete for gifted class in an average SD
  • opportunity — earn a scholarship for a private high school
  • opportunity — stream into a good class in a average school. Look at the Staten Island boy.
  • charter school and religious school
  • study in a private high school for last 2-3 years if we have saved on housing.
  • extra tuition to help grades
  • parent push. (Jack’s pointer) At middle school level, #1 factor affecting grades is parents’ push.
  • focus on engagement and conducive learning environment, not benchmark. Refuse the herd instinct, brain wash, peer pressure
  • rent near an top academic school if indeed my kids suffer in an average school
  • If my kids have mediocre grades despite parents’ push, then a better-rated school may not help much. Just wait for their self-motivation to emerge and catch up later.